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Welcome to the world’s healthiest way of eating and US News and World Report #1 diet for 4 consecutive years!

You may have heard the term ‘Mediterranean Diet’ thrown around at your last doctor's visit or maybe you learned about it on social media, but you still have questions about what it is or how to follow.

The Basics

The Mediterranean Diet is a pattern of eating and lifestyle plan resembling eating patterns of countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea with roots dating back to the 1950s. You may be asking which countries specifically and while Greece and Italy come up a lot, there are 19 additional countries that border the Mediterranean sea, spanning three continents. So while there is a general framework we can work off of, there is no exact definition. That’s okay, we prefer it that way. No country is the same, as no culture is, just like you as an individual will need to tailor your plan to fit your needs. If that sounds scary, keep reading.

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In general, a Mediterranean diet includes a primarily plant-based way of eating - these foods are consumed in the highest quantities, multiple times a day.


  • Vegetables (starchy and non-starchy)

  • Fruits

  • Nuts and Seeds

  • Beans and Legumes

  • Whole grains and Breads

  • High quality Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

  • Herbs and Spices

Taking advantage of the geographic location, this diet is bursting with fresh fish, which is an excellent source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Here is a full list of the proteins and how often they are consumed:


  • Fish - few times per week

  • Eggs, Cheese and Yogurt - moderately

  • Poultry - moderately 

  • Red meat - sparingly

Salad with Shrimps and Feta
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So now that we covered the general diet framework, let’s talk about lifestyle!

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Yes, there is more. This diet isn’t consistently ranked the best overall just for its food (though it does help), this lifestyle focuses on living our best lives and that involves self-care. Here are some ways to truly live the Mediterranean lifestyle inside and out:


  • Be active with joyful movement

  • Chose water as your drink of choice

  • Connect with family and friends

  • Enjoy mealtimes together 

  • Find your quiet time


By putting the diet piece together with the lifestyle, you have one recipe for health and longevity. 

You may have noticed I did not list the foods you CAN’T have. This was not a mistake. My mission is to show a community stuck in diet culture the difference between “diet” and lifestyle. And this does not mean lifestyle disguised as another diet. Being a lifestyle means there are NO FOOD RULES. If we spend the majority of our time adapting to a way of eating and living that includes the principles above, we are in a good position for optimal health and wellness.

Let’s focus our attention on the positive rather than the negative.


What Does the Research Say?

This is one of the best patterns of eating to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and overall mortality by reducing inflammation, blood sugar, and even body mass index (BMI).


Research also supports a Mediterranean Diet for individuals managing their diabetes to reduce their A1C, blood pressure, or LDL cholesterol all of which are precursors to larger chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease. Studies researching a Mediterranean diet to reduce the risk of cancer, kidney and lung disease also show positive correlations.


There is a newfound interest in the Mediterranean diet for cognitive function and healthy aging through decreased stress and reduced inflammation specifically through antioxidants which are primarily found in plant foods. As we learned above, there is no shortage of plants on this diet.


The link between true diet and lifestyle is too strong to ignore. Our health depends not only on what we put in our bodies but how we care for it making this way of eating the standalone winner to any FAD diets touted for quick weight loss effects only. When in doubt, refer to the research above, will (insert FAD diet here) have the same effect on cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, or kidney disease?


No, it will not.

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Mediterranean Lifestyle Misconceptions

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To get you off on the right foot, here are some quick tips to keep in mind: 


  • While this diet is moderate in carbs, it is not a bread and pasta only diet

  • Red Wine can be beneficial but not a reason to start drinking if you do not currently

  • The Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle will work just fine outside the Mediterranean

  • This is a plan the whole family will enjoy, but your perspective and delivery is important

  • You can still have your favorite foods and preserve your own culture

  • This way of eating will not break the bank

  • And lastly, yes, you can cook with Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

The Mediterranean Lifestyle and You:

So how do you adopt this pattern as your own? Truthfully, only you can fully answer that but here are some helpful tips that have helped thousands of individuals:


  • Start Slow: the number one mistake I see is individuals try to shed their previous diet and lifestyle for a 100% new one overnight. This will not last (sometimes no longer than a week), and the reason why you might find yourself starting and restarting without any real progress.


  • Change your perspective: This is not a diet like keto or paleo or even Atkins is a diet. While you may have used similar terminology in the past, it’s important to shift your mindset to something more inclusive. This is true even when talking with family. If your family is used to dieting talk it’s important to tread lightly. You are not changing their diet, you are including more veggies or going for family walks after dinner. Spin the changes for the positive and not something they will dread.


  • Seek Answers and Clarification: You aren’t expected to know everything in day one or even year 1. Your health journey is something that is always evolving. If something sounds “off” ask for more information or clarification.

For more personalization or to create a 100% customizable plan for chronic disease management or prevention, click here to apply for my signature Mediterranean Lifestyle Coaching program!

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